Transform Business Challenges Into

Revenue-Generating Opportunities

How OneUpTrade Helps

Every Business today faces its unique set of challenges, which can include sluggish sales, inability to break into new markets or acquire new customers, low marketing budgets, cash crunch situations, unsold inventory, idle capacity, etc. OneUpTrade helps businesses get better results in the following ways:

Gain New Customers

Get access to a whole new market with captive buyers, at zero additional marketing spends or having to invest in new sales strategies. Save on lead acquisition costs while meeting your sales and business growth goals, year-on-year.

Gain New Customers
Get Consumer Trials and Cash Referrals

Get Consumer Trials and Cash Referrals

New Customers who use your goods/services, could also become regular cash customers for you. Satisfied Customers are also likely to recommed you to their contacts, getting more cash referrals for your business.

Reduce Dependancy on Cash

You can make purchases of various goods/services that your business needs from OneUpTrade. This reduces your dependence on cash and helps preserve much needed working capital.

Reduce Dependancy on Cash
Sell Slow-Moving & Excess Stock

Sell Slow-Moving & Excess Stock

Slow-Moving and Excess inventory requires storage, maintenance, and additional sales and marketing efforts – increasing expenses. OneUpTrade helps you exchange this stock for other goods/services that your business can use.

Convert Spare Capacity to Additional Revenue

Most businesses do not operate at 100% and have unutilized capacity like vacant media space, empty tables at a restaurant, vacant hotel rooms, employee downtime etc. OneUpTrade helps convert this unutilized capacity to additional revenue for your business.

Convert Spare Capacity to Additional Revenue
Win Cash Contracts

Win Cash Contracts

In a highly competitive business environment, winning cash contracts is not easy. With OneUpTrade, you can offer your potential clients the option to pay for a part of the total contract value with their goods/services, giving you an edge over your competition.

Pay Your Creditors

Working capital and cash flow constraints can mean unhappy creditors. If your creditors are willing, you can offer them the option of purchasing various goods/services from OneUpTrade, as payment against their outstanding dues.

Pay your Creditors
Recover Outstanding Debts

Recover Outstanding Debts

Businesses having trouble collecting payments from debtors may offer to accept part or the entire outstanding amount from the debtor through their goods/services. You can then trade these goods/services with OneUpTrade for your business needs.

Execute Advertising & Marketing Campaigns

OneUpTrade helps businesses to execute advertising and marketing campaigns to boost their cash sales, without the need for spending cash. You pay for the advertising through the additional sale of your goods/services to OneUpTrade.

Execute Advertising & Marketing Campaigns_
Buy Gifts & Vouchers for Gratification_

Buy Gifts & Vouchers for Gratification

Your Business can purchase Gifts & Vouchers from OneUpTrade for – corporate gifting, staff gifting, rewards & recognition programs, customer loyalty programs etc. This is a very effective way to oblige clients and motivate your team.

Buy Products for Schemes & Promotions

Your Business can purchase various goods/services from OneUpTrade for – corporate schemes, dealer schemes, retail schemes, consumer promotions, events, etc. This helps to boost sales through your established distribution channels.
Buy Products for Schemes & Promotions
Enhance your Lifestyle & Image

Enhance Your Lifestyle & Image

You can improve your lifestyle by making purchases for home & office renovation, furnishing & decor, lifestlye expenses, entertainment, accommodation and travel. These go a long way in building your social image.